Heat up your Valentine's Day celebration with Partner Hot Yoga!
Celebrate love and connection with a special partner at HaTha Yoga Room. Bring your partner, a friend, or a loved one and experience a heartwarming flow with some partner poses that will be sure to bring playfulness and laughs into your evening!
Inclusive of membership. $15/person for drop in
Join Brenna & baby Lincoln every Wednesday from 9:15-10:30am.
Gently strengthen your core, improve posture, and relax using breathing techniques and meditation. Connect with baby, mind and body as well as other mothers in the community.
E-mail hyramherst@gmail.com to sign up!
Have you been interested in trying Yoga for the first time? Has it been a while since you've practiced but looking to get back into it? Steady your mind, breathe deeper, and improve your strength and flexibility with Courtney in this beginner series!
Mats and props available for your to use.
4 week series. Mondays at 7-8pm.
E-mail hyramherst@gmail.com to sign up today!